Saturday, July 23, 2016


A handful is how I have described Camden since the day he started to walk and he doesn't show any signs of chilling out any time soon.

It has gotten to the point where I have complete strangers commenting on how busy and wild my child is and most times I cringe and wish I could make myself invisible but this is my life, I was blessed with a free spirited child and they say God doesn't give you anything you cannot handle....I've got this!

Anyway, I digress...weekends I have my hands full because Wayne works weekends and I often run out of things to do to keep this busy toddler of mine occupied.

A friend mentioned taking our boys to play at a new Kids Indoor Play centre in Montague Gardens, Gazoome but she was unfortunately sick so I ventured out in the cold with Camden this morning to let him use up some of his energy.

This mommy sure got a literal "run for her money"..

He had fun, played rough like boys do, gave his mother a mild heart attack climbing up the jungle gym, laughed with the friends he made and then threw a complete hissy fit when play time was up and we had to go.

All in a days fun!